Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing and Reality - 1143 Words

Before the difference between fact and fiction can be deciphered, it is first necessary to establish the definition of the term literature itself and more specifically English literature. Literature refers to any composition in the English language including the ones that have been composed in English by writers who are not necessarily from England. For instance, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, and Edgar Allan Poe was American, and Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. Hence, English literature is as diverse as the dialects and varieties of the English that is spoken by people around the world and these writers all have their own styles when they create works of fiction or fact. (English literature). The term fiction comes†¦show more content†¦This writing is the result of his imagination and ideas as he puts on paper the changes he wants to see in the world around him or his feelings regarding issues that bother him. For instance the writers who wrote in the e ighteenth and nineteenth century based their themes on the issues related to their time. Many novels were not well received at the time due to the openness of many subject but what these writers created on paper was not just a figment of their imagination or musing but a genuine concern to bring certain facts to the knowledge of the general public by weaving them into the lives and settings of fictional and created characters. Though the characters in the novel and their dilemmas are all fictional, the trials that emerged from the issues that they touched upon were situations that anyone could have faced and this is what these writers wished to accomplish. In this sense it can be said that for these writers there was little difference between what they wrote on paper and what existed in reality. If there can be an exception to the rule it can be in the case of science fiction where the extraterrestrials, aliens, and planets that support existence do not exist in real life at all and are solely the figment of the writer’s imagination hence there is very little similarity between what the writers creates and what exists in real life in this genre. How does literature help usShow MoreRelatedA Layer Of Reality - Original Writing739 Words   |  3 Pages A LAYER OF REALITY â€Å"What happened?† wheezed Ali. â€Å"Come with me.† Answered Youssef leaning against the wall beside the elevator. His forehead was sweating. And his whole body was shaking. â€Å"Is it about our quantum computer?† Said Ali seriously. â€Å"Yes.† whispered Youssef. The elevator that down them to the laboratory was ghost-quiet until the door opening sound start. After they got off the elevator, Ali received a message on his phone. 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