Sunday, May 17, 2020

Resistance Of Slavery During African Americans - 1656 Words

Arianna Kousouros BLK 311.01 Term Paper Resistance to slavery in the Caribbean started before African Americans even set foot on the ships that took them on the middle passage across the Atlantic ocean to the Caribbean islands. Slave rebellions and maroonages started to take place in Caribbean slave society during the 18th and early 19th century. The range to the rebellions varied from minor slaves running away from their owners to violence between slaves and the government. When African Americans would first come to the Caribbean Islands, they would go through great lengths to escape before they were taken away from Africa. Many would jump overboard during this passage in hopes of returning to their homeland. Others would starve, drown themselves, committing suicide in belief that they would return to Africa in their after life. Enslaved people thought anything including death would be better than slavery in the islands. This happened in one out every ten voyages to the Americas. African slaves were determined to recreate their African societies. They wanted to separate themselves from the whites and not lose sense of their African culture and traditions. Some slaves even said that they would runaway to get to Africa. Heuman states, â€Å" that they would proceed to the sea at night and remain in the bush through the day and the first canoe they found, they would set sail for their country.† (Heuman, 65-76) Slaves would runaway from their owners to become â€Å"free†.Show MoreRelatedAfrican American History Essay1011 Words   |  5 Pages Slavery began in the late 16th century to early 18th century. Africans were brought to American colonies by white masters to come and work on their plantations in the South. They were treated harshly with no payments for all their hard work. In addition, they lived under harsh living conditions, and this led to their resistance against these harsh conditions. 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