Thursday, September 3, 2020

The role of using first language (L1) and translation in English as a Essay - 1

The job of utilizing first language (L1) and interpretation in English as an unknown dialect ( EFL) classes - Essay Example The arrangement is to lead interviews with various educators (3 extra instructors). The educators have been looked over changed schools. I have met 5 of them in the Indian school (rudimentary) where they show just English (no Arabic or Indian utilized by any stretch of the imagination). The understudies in this school are blended, guys and females who originated from various nations: China, Egypt, Iraq, India and numerous different nations. The staying 6 instructors have been browsed 4 diverse primary schools, in which they were utilized in fundamental training (co-instruction). To begin with, I am wanting to separate the appropriate responses in various boxes. Each crate will incorporate the quantity of instructors who concurred or oppose this idea. The primary box will incorporate section 1 Question, the subsequent box will incorporate section 2 inquiries, and the last box will incorporate section 3 inquiries (see supplement 3). At that point, I will change the numbers to rates (for example 60% of the instructors concur/oppose this idea). Graphs will be utilized in this area, with the goal that the data will be plainly introduced. A second prong of the system includes arranged perception of the instructors and the understudies inside the class, to know whether they are utilizing interpretation or L1 in their classes. I think one about the most underused information assortment techniques is perception. As indicated by Moor (1995), â€Å"The data we gather as a spectator can be utilized to dissect understudy learning, the learning condition and understudies mentalities toward learning and schooling.† In request to gather information in this examination, I visited various schools in Oman. I joined various classes. A significant goal of these visits was to become more acquainted with increasingly about instructors, understudies, and what is happing inside the study halls. Notwithstanding, my principle design was to find out about the understudies and the instructors within these classes. During these perceptions, I needed to know how the instructors and understudies were associating with one another in the class, how the educators showed English, and whether or

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Write an APA Essay - Quick Tips

How to Write an APA Essay - Quick TipsAn APA essay requires an analysis of some kind. This can be a well thought out research article, or even a brief narrative about the author's experience that helps the reader understand the author. To create a powerful essay, an author should know how to do this.Writing an APA essay requires breaking down an idea or problem into an individual part. A writer has to analyze the problem in detail before coming up with a solution. The essay should not be an assembly line of information and ideas, but rather a step by step process that you have carefully outlined for yourself.There are many steps to write an essay on any subject. Some of the tips I will give you today are effective, but others may not be as effective. In fact, some will work, while others will not.When you first start writing an APA essay, try to follow the order of the alphabet. This is an easy tip to follow, but it is one of the few areas where you might be able to help yourself wit h this tip. Try writing out your idea first, and then going back and reviewing what you wrote to figure out where the problem is and what you need to add next. It is a good practice, but if you are working on a complex topic, it might take you more time to do this than it will to actually write the essay.Creating a strong point of view is another important tip on how to write an APA essay. Your essay should reflect your ideas and opinions. Make sure that your paragraph is all about you, not a piece of information being passed on to the reader. If your paragraphs are weak, it will only serve to make the reader question the validity of your idea.If your idea involves any sort of technology, there is always an interesting tidbit about it. If you have ever had a hard time learning a new process, don't be afraid to give some examples of times when you did learn something from your experience. The more information you include, the better. Always keep in mind that the length of your paragr aph is the number one determining factor for the success of your essay.The most important thing to remember about how to write an APA essay is to make sure your paragraphs flow correctly. If you make a mistake in the middle of your paragraph, your essay will take on an awkward, off balance feeling. Write in paragraphs of the same length. Be sure that each paragraph flows correctly and does not become extremely long, but short enough to be legible.Writing an APA essay is not an easy task, but it is one that many writers can do. It is important to outline the different ideas that you have, and then to write the sections of your essay in a logical order. Make sure to write out each idea, so that it is easier to rewrite later on. Finally, keep in mind that the length of your paragraph is one of the main determining factors for the success of your APA essay.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Transindentalism essays

Transindentalism papers To portray what introspective philosophy is to somebody would simply take too long and knowing my abilities of clarifying, I won t even attempt. Along these lines, to summarize it as short as could reasonably be expected. I would need to utilize one single expression from the film Dead Poets Society. Its said by Mr. Keatings on one of his first days instructing. As hes remaining behind a gathering of children and he advises them to hold onto the day. That to me portrays all of what introspective philosophy is, it advises them to have no second thoughts, to stop and take in the pleasant ambiance, dont adhere to rules in light of the fact that theyre there, do it since they mean something to you, follow your gut senses. I discover every one of these implications in that one little expression. The vast majority are reluctant to do what Mr. Keatings had advised them to do. Holding onto the day would imply that you would need to act naturally, to settle on your own decisions. With a schoo l like Welton individuals became apprehensive and they lashed back, attempting to get individuals back to the first principles and the regular schedules. In the start of the film, all the young men did as they were told, they said the four columns as they were told and they followed what ever there guardians had let them know regardless of whether it wasnt something they needed. One genuine case of this would be when Neil Perrys father had advised him to drop out of his Yearbook altering class. Nobody, no one of them had the guts to conflict with what there fathers wishes. Later when Mr. Keatings appeared, he instructed them that they had a psyche of there own and that they could utilize it on there own. He had likewise shown the young men how to see things from that point own viewpoint, to let them see what life had coming up for them. At the point when the young men got some answers concerning the Dead artists society they were completely eager to revolt and to modify this once lost society of perusing old sonnets and to be free simultaneously out in an open cavern. This was just the start of getting themselves. ... <!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Iron Jawed Angels Essay Sample

In 2004, it was created a historical drama film called Iron Jawed Angels. This film tells the story of the famous suffragists, who fought for their rights. It didn’t become very popular among ordinary people, but it is beneficial to watch it in order to know more about the history of the United States. The critics left different reviews about the film. Some of them were very positive when others quite negative. Yet, most of the critics stated that to watch this film means to learn a lesson about American history. Iron Jawed Angels are about two famous names of well-to-do women: Lucy Burns and Alice Paul. They participated in the suffrage movement in England. However, after this, the decided to spread the suffragettes’ ideas in the United States of America. By this time, a National American Woman Suffrage Association or NAWSA already existed there. However, they thought that this association didn’t do what it should do in order to protect the rights of the women. For this reason, they created the National Women’s Party. Thanks to Burns and Paul, the NWP could gain success. It was able to share their thoughts and ideas with other people in society. Their role was to courage women to stand up for what they deserve to get under the constitution. The fighting was severe because men didn’t want to let women their rights. However, event when these two women were attacked, they were strong protecting important things. They became famous not only for their participation in a suffrage movement but also for their peaceful but very effective strategies and tactics that encouraged other women to fight for their right to vote. The film about these women is focused on the American women’s suffrage movement in the 1910s and its leaders. The film starts from the returning of Lucy Burns and Alice Paul from England. After this, they wanted to join NAWSA, but they understood that their ideas are more radical and forceful than its leaders had. In 1913, they organized the Woman Suffrage Procession right before the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. Apart from the historical events, the film contains a couple of fictional events and fictional characters. It was decided to include these parts in order to make the film more interesting and dramatic. Later, these two women created the Nation Woman’s Party. Alongside with the main events, the audience can watch the romantic line of Alice Paul and Ben Weismann. The next steps of these women were protesting against Wilson in the Silent Sentinels outside the White House. These actions led to arrest of the leaders and other suffragists. In spite of the awful treatment after arrest, the women undertake a hunger strike. After all, the pressure put on Wilson, when the NAWSA joined the NWP called for a 19th amendment to the Constitution. As for me, I liked the film very much. The plot is great and the acting is also very good. Apart from this, there is one more reason why I liked it. It presents a great story that includes not only historical events, but also the romantic ones. It helped me to understand what it was to be a woman in the beginning of the 20th century and how hard it was to get the right to vote. Yet, the modern accent they talked and jokes they told, helped me to see that these women were the same as we are with their own hopes and beliefs. To learn history by books is the good thing, but a good historical film helps to imagine how it was. In any case, most of the people will find this film very interesting and poignant.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Resistance Of Slavery During African Americans - 1656 Words

Arianna Kousouros BLK 311.01 Term Paper Resistance to slavery in the Caribbean started before African Americans even set foot on the ships that took them on the middle passage across the Atlantic ocean to the Caribbean islands. Slave rebellions and maroonages started to take place in Caribbean slave society during the 18th and early 19th century. The range to the rebellions varied from minor slaves running away from their owners to violence between slaves and the government. When African Americans would first come to the Caribbean Islands, they would go through great lengths to escape before they were taken away from Africa. Many would jump overboard during this passage in hopes of returning to their homeland. Others would starve, drown themselves, committing suicide in belief that they would return to Africa in their after life. Enslaved people thought anything including death would be better than slavery in the islands. This happened in one out every ten voyages to the Americas. African slaves were determined to recreate their African societies. They wanted to separate themselves from the whites and not lose sense of their African culture and traditions. Some slaves even said that they would runaway to get to Africa. Heuman states, â€Å" that they would proceed to the sea at night and remain in the bush through the day and the first canoe they found, they would set sail for their country.† (Heuman, 65-76) Slaves would runaway from their owners to become â€Å"free†.Show MoreRelatedAfrican American History Essay1011 Words   |  5 Pages Slavery began in the late 16th century to early 18th century. Africans were brought to American colonies by white masters to come and work on their plantations in the South. They were treated harshly with no payments for all their hard work. In addition, they lived under harsh living conditions, and this led to their resistance against these harsh conditions. 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The manpower used to construct the European settlements included certain forms of coercedRead MoreIt. Has Been Said That â€Å"The Engendering Impulse Of African1547 Words   |  7 Pagesimpulse of African American literature is resistance to human tyranny† (Norton, 3rd ed. Vol.1. 75). The issue with African American authors engendered continuing controversy with government officials and â€Å"white† people throughout America during an extremely dark time. Specifically, the eighteenth century. Resistance was crucial and dedicated to human dignity became non-existent with the white America. To help with the issue, â€Å"African American writers identified themselves as Americans with a specialRead MoreUncle Toms Cabin1320 Words   |  6 Pagesinfluential, groundbreaking, and controversial books in American history, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing and Reality - 1143 Words

Before the difference between fact and fiction can be deciphered, it is first necessary to establish the definition of the term literature itself and more specifically English literature. Literature refers to any composition in the English language including the ones that have been composed in English by writers who are not necessarily from England. For instance, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, and Edgar Allan Poe was American, and Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. Hence, English literature is as diverse as the dialects and varieties of the English that is spoken by people around the world and these writers all have their own styles when they create works of fiction or fact. (English literature). The term fiction comes†¦show more content†¦This writing is the result of his imagination and ideas as he puts on paper the changes he wants to see in the world around him or his feelings regarding issues that bother him. For instance the writers who wrote in the e ighteenth and nineteenth century based their themes on the issues related to their time. Many novels were not well received at the time due to the openness of many subject but what these writers created on paper was not just a figment of their imagination or musing but a genuine concern to bring certain facts to the knowledge of the general public by weaving them into the lives and settings of fictional and created characters. Though the characters in the novel and their dilemmas are all fictional, the trials that emerged from the issues that they touched upon were situations that anyone could have faced and this is what these writers wished to accomplish. In this sense it can be said that for these writers there was little difference between what they wrote on paper and what existed in reality. If there can be an exception to the rule it can be in the case of science fiction where the extraterrestrials, aliens, and planets that support existence do not exist in real life at all and are solely the figment of the writer’s imagination hence there is very little similarity between what the writers creates and what exists in real life in this genre. How does literature help usShow MoreRelatedA Layer Of Reality - Original Writing739 Words   |  3 Pages A LAYER OF REALITY â€Å"What happened?† wheezed Ali. â€Å"Come with me.† Answered Youssef leaning against the wall beside the elevator. His forehead was sweating. And his whole body was shaking. â€Å"Is it about our quantum computer?† Said Ali seriously. â€Å"Yes.† whispered Youssef. The elevator that down them to the laboratory was ghost-quiet until the door opening sound start. After they got off the elevator, Ali received a message on his phone. 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Johnson would also use poetry as a tool for expression of emotion and praise for accomplishment. When Johnson wrote a poem of praise or to express emotion he would still convey his message beyond reality. He would emphasize an event so immensely that it would seem unrealistic. If being real, or reality, is something sensable, then The Vanity of Human Wishes is the poem in which Johnson best display’s these tools of writing for the purpose of escape.Read MoreAtonement - What Does This Novel Have and Say About Secrets and Lies?819 Words   |  4 PagesWhat does this novel have and say about secrets and lies? In Atonement, narrative writing is a powerful force, which is both creative and destructive. It fulfils the desire to bring order on a chaotic world. Ian McEwan suggests through story telling can be a way to escape the harsh reality by controlling situations. Atonement shows the danger of story-telling, the danger of the artist’s ego, as it is a form of deception and destruction. 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Will writes in his article â€Å"Reality Television: Oxymoron† of an increasingly infantilized society, whose moral philosophy is reducible to the celebration of â€Å"choice†, where adults are decreasingly distinguishable from children in their absorption in entertainments. This is a society in which â€Å"choice† exceeds all others and competition improves things. This society is built upon choice in every aspect of life

Organizational Culture Marketing Strategy and Plan

Question: Task 1- 1.1 Company overview (M S) A brief background on the company 1.2 Company overview (NISA local) A brief background on the company Understand the relationship between Organisational Structure and Culture 2.1 What is organisational structure and culture? (AC1.1) Define organisational structure Give examples of different organisational structures e.g. functional, Product, Centralised, de-centralised, geographically based, Matrix) Define organisational culture Give examples of Role, power, person, task culture. You can also mention norms, values and beliefs here also) 2.2 Compare and contrast the organisational structure and culture MS and NISA local This can be done in a table format: 2.4 Impact on performance (AC1.2) Define performance Explain how the relationship between organisational structure and culture can have an impact on the performance of MS. (Look at this from a positive and a negative point of view) 2.5 Influence on individual behaviour (AC1.3) State the factors that influence behaviour at work (For example: Motivation, Culture, Satisfaction of employees, Adaptability of the organisation-organisational change, Management, Leadership, Up-bringing, Education and training etc.) Pick 2 factors and define them Then state how they impact on behaviour in the work-place? Task 2- Understand different approaches to management and leadership ( AC2.1, 2.2, 3.3) 3.1 Leadership styles (AC2.1) Define leadership State which styles are used in MS and NISA local, this can be done in a table format: Explain further which style is more effective and why? 3.2 Management styles (AC2.2) Define management Pick 1 management theory and explain how it has affected the practice of management today generally. (Examples are Scientific, Bureaucratic, Classical Admin, Contingency, Systems, and Human Relations. 3.3 Management approaches Task 3 Leadership and motivation 4.1 Changing leadership style Define change management Explain how the change in leadership/CEO can have an impact on staff. (Motivation and satisfaction). Find examples in MS when Sir Stuart Rose left and Marc Bolland took over. 4.2 Motivational theory Define motivation Compare 2 motivational theories; this can be down in a table format. How useful do you think these motivational theories are to managers today ( look at the positive and negative points)? Answer: Introduction According to (Writing, 2015), Organizational Behaviour is the field of study that analyzes the performance of the individuals as well as group within an organization in corporate industry. MS (Marks Spencer) is one of the UK based leading retailer. It is specializing in selling high quality home products, clothing and luxury food products to the customers. NISA Local is a unique member owned organization, which helps independent retailers remain competitive in the food and drink markets. Relationship Between Organizational Structure And Culture Organizational Structure Organizational structure defines how the tasks are to be divided, coordinated and grouped in organizations. By structure, it means how the leadership is to be chosen, how decisions are to be made and how the members are to be accepted. Functional Organizational Structure In functional structure, the activities are to be grouped together by some functions such as procurement, production, marketing, research and development. For example, the senior managers of various areas reported to the director who has the responsibility of various operational areas. Product Organizational Structure Product based organizational structure separates a company by geography, products, projects and activities. For example, an executive of Kraft products would also be responsible for all types of products under that label. Centralized organizational structure The decisions are to be taken by top level managers. For example, in a trucking company, the manager takes the operational decisions and sends information to all drivers individually through dispatches. Decentralized organizational structure In decentralized organization, the decisions are to be taken by both mid level as well as low level managers. For example, franchise organizations which control the development of the product and also take staffing decisions. Geographically based organizational structure All business units are allowed to operate into geographical units and they report to the central headquarter who administers the functions such as marketing and planning. For example, support representative in India would only be able to speak with their customers from India. Matrix organizational structure In matrix structure, there is multiple numbers of reporting lines that means there are more than one formal manager. For example, in matrix structure, the individuals from finance, product and marketing departments have discussions with each other about formulating the strategies (Writing, 2015). Organizational Culture It is the set of attitudes as well as beliefs of the employees and the management that will help to influence the behaviour of the employees within an organization. Power culture: Sir Alan Sugars organization, where all the decisions are to be taken by Alan such as wages of employees, who will get selected etc. It shows that one person can control over the whole organization. Role culture: It is based on the structure of the organization and work is to be decided via rules and regulations. An example is MS where one person will not control the whole business but many other people should take decisions depending on their job role. Task culture: It makes team to perform a task. Every individual in the team will have different skills, so no one has a special position to take the decisions. For example, London 2012 Olympics is task culture as many people worked together to complete the project. Person culture: An individual person has the authority to take decisions regarding tasks and activities. Example includes doctors, surgeons, barristers etc (A Baker, 2015). Organization Structure And Culture Of MS And Nisa Local Organization Structure Culture MS Flat organizational structure (Administrative level to front line employees) Quick turnover Honesty Hard work No frills attached NISA Local Corporate Structure (Industrial advisory Board Centre Site Director University policy committee) Corporate culture In case of MS, the original culture is derived from the founders family. The culture is based on honesty, hard working, and quick turnover and also no frills attached. In MS it can be seen that these values are evolved into the companys culture. A flat organizational structure is to be followed by MS. Difference On Structure And Culture The organizational structure of NISA Local consists of Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), University Policy Committee (UPC) as well as Centre Site Director. IAB makes the recommendations on projects and Centre Directory manages the operations of Centre, which acts as a liaison with university administration and members of the companies (Janiijevi, 2015). Impact On Performance Performance is the required output of an organization that is to be measured against its goals as well as objectives. The culture of MS plays an important role to understand their organizational performance. The following list of beliefs as well as values is to be found by MS: The quality of the products are to be offered at reasonable prices The employees are to promoted within the organization The company have to build their long lasting reputation in the marketplace MS does not take the advantage of the experienced staffs who know the demand of the customers; it leads to bureaucratic structure which should hamper the flexibility of their business.The structure of MS has an impact on the performance of their business. The structure has shaped with the strategy of MS. Influence On Individual Behaviour Motivation: Motivation is a feature that motivates the individuals to act towards a desired goal. In the workplace, the motivational factors that motivate the employees to perform are achievement, growth, social status, power, rewards etc. Leadership: Leadership is the action of motivating the employees to achieve the goal. Leaders play an important role to influence the behaviour of the individuals. Leaders help the employees in their work, guide them and upgrade the knowledge area (MacDonald, 2015). Impact Of Individual Behaviours At Work The companys performance depends upon the performance of the employees that how the individuals should communicate with each other. If there is a lack of communication between the individual and other members of the group then it will affect the performance of the company. Different Approaches Of Management And Leadership Styles: Leadership Styles: According to Crosby and Bryson, (2005), Leadership is a process, by which members of a team are motivated to achieve the goals. There are various types of leadership styles. But the most commonly used leadership styles are Autocratic, Democratic, Paternalistic, Bureaucratic, Laissez Faire, Charismatic and Missionary leadership style. M S (Marc Bolland) NISA local Leadership Styles Followed Follows Consultative style of leadership, which is defined as the style which focuses more on the experiences, skills and ideas of others. NISA local follows Democratic or Participative leadership style. Examples The marketing department of M S before launching new product in the market, they consult with the others of their organization and then they rush straight for launching a new range of product. NISA local is association of many retailers, thus before taking any decision; the leader needs the help of the others. Consultative style of leadership includes those managers who usually have more listening power and thus, want to consult with the other members of the company before making any decision and implementing it, for more sources of opinion. On the other hand, Democratic/ Participative leadership style allows the followers to participate in decision making process and encourages them to demonstrate interest, initiative, drive, imagination and creativity for enriching the plans of the organization. Management Styles: In order to achieve specific goals, the coordination of the activities is known as management. On the other hand, management styles are the specific ways or manner of making decisions and managing the staffs and their job activities in the organization (Mahajan, 2011). Generally, there are many management theories, like Bureaucratic, Scientific, Administrative, Systems, Classical, Human Relations and Contingency. Max Weber (1864 - 1920), is the Father of Bureaucratic Management Theory. This theory is based on the principles stated by Frederick Taylor in his scientific management theory. Like, Taylor, Weber also put stress on efficiency, but also warned about the danger of emphasizing technology at the cost of emotion (Dr.S.Saraswathi, 2011). All the above stated key elements of Bureaucratic Theory are affecting todays management effectively (Trondal, 2011). For example, now a days, in any organization, a clear job role is stated by the employer during the process of an interview only, the hierarchy is maintained from the senior most post like manager to lower designations like assistant manager, officer, clerks accordingly. Lastly, choosing the right people for the right job has become essential in order to execute the task effectively (Donohoe, 2012). Management Approaches: M S leadership team NISA local Management style Bureaucratic style is followed, which is defined as the leadership where by adding control layers, power, problems are solved. Contingency style is followed here. According to this approach, managers have to manage and take decisions, analyzing the total situations. Example M S is Bureaucratic as decisions are taken according to pre defined plans and actions are taken accordingly. NISA is an association of different retailers, there may be times when different conflicts arise among the members. Bureaucratic style is better as all decisions are taken with utmost importance and all disagreements or conflicts are removed at each stage. Contingency style is based on making decisions according to the situations and as such accurate decision making becomes difficult here. Leadership And Motivation: Change in Leadership Style: Generally, change management is defined as a systematic approach to deal with both the changes that is, the change from perspective of a firm as well as the individual. Both motivation and job satisfaction are affected when the leader and his leadership style is changed, as with the change in the leadership style, the motivating factor, the importance of the employee for the organization, all changes. These changes may be positive or may be negative. In case of M S, when Marc Bolland took over the leadership, the following successful changes in management took place. They are M S was in huge losses when Marc took over and was facing stiff competition from rivals such as Next. Sales increases and profit is reported for the first time in 4 years. New A line collection launched, customers react favourably and thus, sales get a boost. Motivational Theory: Motivation is defined as the process that accounts for the passion, persistence and direction of achieving a goal of an individual. There are four motivational theories. Two of them are compared below: MASLOWS THEORY HERZBERGS THEORY MOTIVATIONAL THEORY It is based on the concept of human needs and satisfaction (Cakmur, 2011). It is based on the use of motivators. It includes five sets of human needs and their satisfaction (Cakmur, 2011). Motivating and hygiene factors are involved (Weidler, 2012) It is simple and descriptive. It is more complex. It is quite popular in developing countries. It is the extension of Maslows theory (Morgan, 2012). It is descriptive in nature It is prescriptive in nature. EXAMPLES OF M S By helping staff reach their goals at work and praise and reward them for doing well. Proper working conditions and responsibilities are provided so that the employees themselves feel motivated to work (Cans Dars, 2013) . Useful of Motivational Theories: It puts human resources into action Level of efficiency of employees are improved Organizational goals are achieved Friendly relationship is built On the other hand, control is needed, over stress, extremely task-oriented leadership may cause harm to the employees. Groups, teams and behaviours Groups and teams Group A group consists of individuals those interact with each other in such a way that the action of one person have an impact on others person. The members of the group identify each other by their similar traits. In an organization, most of the work is done in groups. In a group, the people are feeling desire to contribute within a group and they are capable to coordinate the efforts that have very high level of performance. Group and teams are different from each other based on orientation of task, formal structure as well as due to familiarity among the team members (Shin, 2014). Formal and Informal group In an organization there are two types of groups: Informal group and formal group. In formal group, the group is made of managers, associates as well as subordinates those influence the behaviours of the members in the group. In informal group, it is made of two or more than two individuals those are associates with each other. Group type Behaviour in MS Eg- Formal Management team The management team provides support, give advice, lead, inspire and coach their team to meet with the customers expectations. Eg- Informal Who lunch together They are associated with each other and have a mutual relationship between them. Teamwork The people in the organization perform teamwork when the workers combine the skills of their individuals to achieve the goals. Therefore, the word teamwork originates from the concept of team and it refers to do work in group. Factors that promote teamwork in MS Factors that hider teamwork in MS Diversity Communication Leadership Team building exercises Focusing on goals Compensation Communication Deal with conflict A team is always driven by goals. In order to have effective team, the goals are to be spelled out in advance and it will be understood by the team members. A team will be successful in their work when the team members understand their compensation for their efforts. If the members of the team feel that they are compensated fairly, then it can lead to productivity. Communication between team members as well as management and communication between team members are developing the performance of the team. The managers of MS hold meetings with the team members to update the information. Conflict between the team members tends to throw the members out from the team as it will affect the goals and objectives of their business. Technology and Teams Team dynamics have an impact on the performance of the team. It is the force that operates between the groups in the team. Technology has an impact on the team dynamics, these technologies are Skype, webinars, conference calling, instant messaging etc. Skype: It is a way to see other team members during phone calls and Skype call and this will help the team feel more connected to one another. Webinars: When the team spread out in the same office or same geographic locations then Webinars is a solution to communicate with the team members. Conference calling: Conference calls is effective way to communicate with the team members but sometimes it loses their value as more members are included in the call. Instant messaging: When two colleagues are working on a specific tasks, then they have to build a strong relationships with each other, the way is instant messaging. But sometimes, the interaction between the team members can arise some tension and conflict with each other. The change in technology has an impact within MS. When the team members are located geographically then they are using the technology to communicate with each other within the team (Duranti Carvalho de Almeida, 2012). They are doing conference call but sometimes it losses the value as more than two individuals participate in the call, thus it causes a conflict between them on an issue. It causes tension in the workplace. The key business terminology as well as application in MS is to grow its business to reduce its dependency. Their business is built of innovation, integrity, inspiration etc. Their key features are to secure the profitable growth as well as build their business for the long term. Conclusion It is being concluded that the organizational structure of MS is flat whereas the NISA local have corporate structure. This structure is to be used for decision making and to decrease the bureaucracy. As there are less management levels so communication between the managers and employees become easy. The culture of MS plays an important role to understand their organizational performance. The companys performance depends upon the performance of the employees that how the individuals should communicate with each other. MS follows the consultative style of leadership that includes those managers who usually have more listening power. NISA local follows Democratic or Participative leadership style. The team members play an active role in the decision making process. The factors that promote teamwork in MS are diversity, leadership whereas that hinder in MS is focusing on goals, compensation. Reference List A Baker, K. (2015). Organizational Culture. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jun. 2015]. Cakmur, H. (2011). 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